Neon Roberts' mother says treatment has affected his co-ordination

Posted: Published on August 14th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Sally Roberts, 38, lost legal battle to stop son receiving radiotherapy Doctors argued that her son would die within three months if he did not She said he was 'feeling rubbish', despite doctors saying he's on mend

By Daily Mail Reporter

PUBLISHED: 17:16 EST, 13 August 2013 | UPDATED: 17:56 EST, 13 August 2013

The mother of an eight-year-old boy receiving radiotherapy for a brain tumour has said his spirit has been crushed by the treatment.

Sally Roberts told ITVs Daybreak programme that Neons co-ordination had been affected by the cancer treatment and her son was 'feeling pretty rubbish', despite doctors telling her he was on the mend.

Ms Roberts, a New Zealander living in Brighton, East Sussex, appeared on the television show ahead of a documentary, Youre Killing My Son: The Mum Who Went On The Run, which will be shown on Channel 4 tonight.

Sally Roberts told ITV's Daybreak programme that Neon's co-ordination had been affected by the cancer treatment and her son was 'feeling pretty rubbish', despite doctors telling her he was on the mend

Footage shown on Daybreak showed Neons father Ben telling documentary-makers that his wife, from whom he is separated, kidnapped his son and took him on the run 'at a time when he needed critical treatment'.

Ms Roberts, 38, lost a legal battle to stop her son receiving radiotherapy treatment, which she believed would cause Neon to suffer long-term harm, after the removal of the tumour last October.

Doctors argued that her son would die within three months if he did not receive the treatment.

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Neon Roberts' mother says treatment has affected his co-ordination

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