New treatment to help stroke victims

Posted: Published on June 4th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Southend Hospital's pioneering trials to help paralysed stroke victims

12:41pm Wednesday 4th June 2014 in News

SOUTHEND Hospital has launched a pioneering research trial to help patients paralysed by strokes.

Thanks to a 10,000 grant from the Department of Health, the rehabilitation team on the hospitals stroke unit will study the effects of mirror imaging on patients where one arm is completely paralysed as a result of the stroke.

Patients taking part in the trial will be encouraged to undertake daily therapy using a mirror box which encourages their paralysed arm to mimic the movement in their healthy limb.

Joanne Lay, clinical inpatient rehabilitation lead said: The use of mirror imaging as therapy has been used extensively for supporting the rehabilitation of amputees but until now no one has explored its potential in helping stroke patients regain movement.

It is a simple therapy but if it works for our patients it could really have a dramatic impact of their level of recovery. This is very exciting and could ultimately benefit patients nationwide.

The mirror box works by inserting the impaired arm into the box while viewing the working arm on the external mirror.

When the working arm is moved the brain is tricked into thinking it is the paralysed arm and thus helps rebuild connections in the brain damaged by the stroke.

The trial will test two groups of patients over a six week period using both standard physiotherapy and the mirror box to compare the effects of both treatments.

More here:
New treatment to help stroke victims

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