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Posted: Published on April 22nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

Thirty years ago, Dale von Bieker was diagnosed with Lou Gehrigs disease. He was given two and a half years to live.

But everybodys body is different and a lot of people when theyre diagnosed with Lou Gerrings disease or any terminal disease, they do give up as well.

He says that he hasnt taken any medication for his disease, but instead decided to go the natural route.

Some things that I think has helped me over the thirty years is having faith in God, positive thinking and having my exercise equipment.

Furthermore, he says, he went to see a naturopath, taking his advice, and he says he eats a well-balanced diet.

Although people do ask him for advice on their conditions, he is quick to emphasize that Im not a doctor.

Im really not that well educated but over the past 30 years, Ive studied natural medicine, health, Ive worked with a lot of people. They ask me questions about, say, Crohns Disease or Shingles or all kinds of things and Ive advised them and they got better. But, Im really not legal, but if they ask me what am I supposed to say?

A little bit ago, he read of a woman from Tisdale with MS who went to India for a stem cell transplant.

She went there in a wheelchair and she left her wheelchair there because she didnt need it anymore after the treatment. I know other people that went there that had good results.

According to von Bieker the treatment takes the stem cells from the patients hip and transplants it to their spinal cord.

Excerpt from:
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