Noni, Magical Medicinal Fruit – Video

Posted: Published on February 8th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Noni, Magical Medicinal Fruit
Lisa Lemley of shares a bit of Hawaiian culture. Noni fruit is a strange looking fruit with a long list of medicinal properties. With little effort you can find lots of research and testimonials as to the healing benefits of noni. If you don #39;t happen to live where it grows like me in Hawaii, then you can ask our friends at NoniLand, David Avocado Wolfe #39;s experimental farm, to send you their noni powder. ( As for community, I want to note an article from Apollo Noni touting noni for its wrinkle reducing, anti-aging benefits as well as the following list specifically for women: ~"To relieve pre menstrual problems like depression, pain, mood swings and back ache. ~Can alter the Hormone replacement therapy for post menopausal syndrome ~For purifying blood and improves the texture of the skin. ~For Healthy Shiny Hair Growth" Click #39;thumbs up #39; if you are inspired to have some noni right now. 🙂 If you want to stay connected, #39;subscribe #39; to this channel and/or... Visit to join the Sun Woman community and and receive a Life Purpose MP3 when you sign up. Lisa is working as a Life coach for women to shine in this #39;New Paradigm #39;.

By: Lisa Lemley

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Noni, Magical Medicinal Fruit - Video

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