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Cerebral palsy sufferer 'told he needed responsible adult' to accompany him by restaurant staff

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

A cerebral palsy sufferer claims he was discriminated against at an Indian restaurant where he was told he needed to be accompanied by a responsible adult". Cardiff comedian Ted Shiress said the treatment he endured at the Empire restaurant at Albany Road was just not acceptable. Mr Shiress, who lives in Roath, is a former finalist of the Welsh Unsigned Stand-Up Award and has played some of the leading venues on the comedy circuit, including The Glee Clubs in Cardiff and Birmingham, as well as major festivals such as Green Man in Brecon. The 27-year-old former Cardiff University student said his visit to the curry house the fourth time he had been there left him feeling hurt, reports Wales Online. At first he says he was flatly refused a table because the restaurant staff said it was full, but on another occasion was told he needed a caretaker to dine there. I had been to the restaurant three times with few issues once with my parents and the other times on my own but when the manager wasnt working. It was a Saturday night at about 9pm and I decided to chance it to see if I could get a … Continue reading

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Spirit of Christmas: NHS boob-job mum Josie Cunningham raises 100 for little boy who needs surgery to walk

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

NHS boob-job mum Josie Cunningham has helped raise 100 for a little boy who needs surgery to enable him to walk. The controversial model used a rather interesting technique to raise money for a little James Mills, who has Cerebral Palsy, Mild brain damage and Spastic Diplegia. Mum-of-three Josie asked some of her *favourite* celebs to help her out by donating money to James' cause. And she did so in a rather mean way. For example to Nicola McLean she wrote: @NicolaMcLean babe, you may be mutton but let's put that aside and please help this boy . To actor Jack Sheperd she said: @JackPShepherd88 you may not do much for your kid, but please help this one . Other examples include telling Katie price she is no longer a fan and saying sorry to Catherine Tyldesly for calling the cops on her. The only person shes actually nice to is Jodie Marsh who she says inspired her. In a statement on Twitter she revealed her reasoning behind her good deed. She wrote: Since having my job on NHS, Ive received countless nasty messages from people who have been refused treatment, instead of fighting for what they believe in, many … Continue reading

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Correction: Brain Injury Program-NFL story – Quincy Herald-Whig | Illinois & Missouri News, Sports

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

LANSING, Mich. (AP) - In a story Dec. 16 about the Eisenhower Center, The Associated Press, based on information from the center, reported erroneously that it will be the primary facility used by the NFL Players Association for treating brain injuries and other neurological issues through the After the Impact program. According to the NFLPA, the center is one of the facilities the group uses to treat a number of health-related issues. A corrected version of the story is below: Brain-injury program working with NFL players Michigan center updates military veteran brain-injury program to include football players LANSING, Michigan (AP) - A brain-injury treatment program originally designed for military veterans injured on the battlefield has been updated to include professional athletes. Representatives with the Eisenhower Center say it is the only facility in the country that pairs NFL former players with military veterans as they undergo treatment for a number of health related issues. The residential neuro-rehabilitation facility is based in Ann Arbor. The program provides intense treatment for soldiers and athletes recovering from concussions, mild traumatic brain injury, post-traumatic stress disorder and other problems. It evolved from the Eisenhower Center's transitional treatment program to help military members deal with … Continue reading

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Using no-evidence-of-disease-activity standard for patients with multiple sclerosis

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

Maintaining "no-evidence-of-disease-activity" (NEDA) was difficult over time for many patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) but the measure may help gauge a patient's long-term prognosis, according to a study published online by JAMA Neurology. NEDA has become a new goal for the treatment of MS and an outcome measure because of multiple and increasingly effective therapies for relapsing forms of the neurodegenerative disabling disease. But it's unknown what proportion of patients with MS can be expected to maintain NEDA over time, according to the study background, Dalia L. Rotstein, M.D., of Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, and coauthors investigated the sustainability of NEDA over seven years in a group of 219 patients with MS. Patients had seven years of follow-up that included yearly brain magnetic resonance imaging and biannual clinic visits, although not all 219 patients contributed at each point because there were occasionally missed MRIs or clinical visits. NEDA was measured by relapses, disability progression and MRIs. The study found that of 215 patients, 99 (46 percent) had NEDA for clinical and MRI measures at one year, at two years 60 of 218 patients (27.5 percent) maintained NEDA but only 17 of 216 patients (7.9 percent) sustained NEDA after seven … Continue reading

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Nut rage wiped out all her work

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

Ms Cho Hyun Ah, 40, who sparked the Korean Air "nut rage" incident, was embroiled in another controversy last year when she delivered her twin boys in the United States. The move apparently was to give them American citizenship so they could escape South Korea's mandatory military service. Ms Cho, whose father is the chairman of Korean Air and who is married to a prominent plastic surgeon, stepped down as senior vice-president of the airline after drawing flak for her imperious behaviour and shabby treatment of airline crew early this month. While it is easy to write her off as another hoity-toity power-abusing chaebol heiress, the hotel management-trained Ms Cho undertook initiatives to improve Korean Air, which she joined in 1999. Under her charge, the airline had a major image overhaul, complete with new uniforms, redesigned cabin interiors and improved inflight service and duty-free offerings. In 2005, it achieved US$158 million (S$207 million) in duty-free sales, reportedly the highest-ever by any airline at that time. This figure is expected to hit US$190 million this year, according to travel retail magazine The Moodie Report, which described Ms Cho as a "highly driven individual by her own admission" in a 2006 interview. … Continue reading

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NHS DNA Scheme To Fight Cancer And Genetic Diseases

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

A new genetics project could help "unlock a series of secrets about devastating diseases", the NHS says. Under the scheme, 11 Genomics Medicine Centres are being set up in English hospitals to gather DNA samples to help devise targeted treatments for a wide range of diseases. It is focusing on cancer and rare genetic diseases. The aim is to sequence 100,000 genomes within three years in order to develop new tests and drugs. Doctors will offer suitable patients the opportunity to take part in the scheme. They will have to agree to have their genetic code and medical records - stripped of anything that could identify them - made available to drugs companies and researchers. Up to 25,000 cancer patients will have the genetic code of their healthy tissue compared to the genetic code of their tumour. A giant game of spot-the-difference will then take place to identify the precise mutations in DNA that are causing a patient's tumour. This would allow targeted medicines to be developed. Genetic code Go here to read the rest: NHS DNA Scheme To Fight Cancer And Genetic Diseases … Continue reading

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Genomics: the revolution that's transforming medicine

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

During a conversation I had with a doctor a couple of years ago, the subject of cancer diagnoses came up, in a tangential way. She said that not all that many decades ago, a physician who had established that a patient had cancer often wouldnt bother investigating further: since there werent any effective treatments for any kind of cancer, there wasnt much point in finding out what kind of cancer it was. You could try to cut it out, or you could leave it in and see what happened, and that was about it. Now, of course, that has changed. It matters what cancer you have, because different cancers respond differently to different treatments. As we get better at treating the disease, it pushes us to get better at differentiating them; as we establish the various kinds, it allows us to target drugs more precisely at the ones they work on, so that the drugs themselves become more effective. There is a virtuous circle between diagnostics and treatment that improves both. Thats why the news that the NHS is to open 11 major genomics centres with more to follow around the country is so hugely positive. Over the past few … Continue reading

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Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLCs Director Sherley's Address on Whats Holding Back Regenerative Medicine …

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

Boston, MA (PRWEB) December 23, 2014 Earlier this year in a June 24 international conference presentation, Dr. James L. Sherley, director of the Adult Stem Cell Technology Center, LLC (ASCTC) focused attention on an often overlooked and under appreciated unique property of adult tissue stem cells. His title Asymmetric Self-Renewal by Distributed Stem Cells: Misunderstood in the Past, Important for the Future, embodied the essence of his message to congress participants. He gave the address at the 4th World Congress on Cell Science and Stem Cell Research in Valencia, Spain. The international congress was organized by the Omics Group as a part of its mission to foster the dissemination of leading discoveries and advances in life sciences research. Their posting this month of the slides from Dr. Sherley's June 24 keynote address now provides worldwide open access to life sciences investigators - stem cell biologists in particular - of the concepts that he emphasized. In a 2008 publication [Breast Disease 29, 37-46, 2008], Sherley coined the new term distributed stem cells (DSCs) as a biology-based name for all natural tissue stem cells that are not embryonic in origin. Adult stem cells are included under the DSC heading. DSCs do not … Continue reading

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New Technique for Bioengineering Stem Cells Shows Promise in HIV Resistance

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

Sacramento, Calif. (PRWEB) December 22, 2014 Using modified human stem cells, a team of UC Davis scientists has developed an improved gene therapy strategy that in animal models shows promise as a functional cure for the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) that causes AIDS. The achievement, which involves an improved technique to purify populations of HIV-resistant stem cells, opens the door for human clinical trials that were recently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. We have devised a gene therapy strategy to generate an HIV-resistant immune system in patients, said Joseph Anderson, principal investigator of the study and assistant professor of internal medicine. We are now poised to evaluate the effectiveness of this therapy in human clinical trials. Anderson and his colleagues modified human stem cells with genes that resist HIV infection and then transplanted a near-purified population of these cells into immunodeficient mice. The mice subsequently resisted HIV infection, maintaining signs of a healthy immune system. The findings are now online in a paper titled Safety and efficacy of a tCD25 pre-selective combination anti-HIV lentiviral vector in human hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, and will be published in the journal Stem Cells. Using a viral vector, the researchers … Continue reading

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Test predicts response to treatment for complication of leukemia stem cell treatment

Posted: Published on December 23rd, 2014

(New York City) A new test may reveal which patients will respond to treatment for graft versus host disease (GVHD), an often life-threatening complication of stem cell transplants (SCT) used to treat leukemia and other blood disorders, according to a study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and published online today in the journal Lancet Haematology and in print in the January issue. Patients with fatal blood cancers like leukemia often require allogenic stem cell SCT to survive. Donor stem cells are transplanted to a recipient, but not without the risk of developing GVHD, a life-threatening complication and major cause of death after SCT. The disease, which can be mild to severe, occurs when the transplanted donor cells (known as the graft) attack the patient (referred to as the host). Symptom severity, however, does not accurately define how patients will respond to treatment and patients are often treated alike with high-dose steroids. Although SCT cures cancer in 50 percent of the patients, 25 percent die from relapsed cancer and there remaining go into remission but later succumb to effects of GVHD. "High dose steroids is the only proven treatment for GVHD," said James L. … Continue reading

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