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QU College of Pharmacy Gets Canadian Recognition

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

DOHA, Qatar--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Qatar Universitys undergraduate pharmacy degree programme has been officially recognised by the Pharmacy Examining Board of Canada (PEBC), highlighting the programmes growing international reputation. The course was previously accredited by the Canadian Council of Pharmacy Programs - CCAPP (Canada) - in 2009. The move by PEBC recognises that QUs four-year BSc (Pharm) degree programme meets the stringent standards of CCAPP (Canada). In practice, this means that QU graduates will be permitted direct entry to the PEBC Pharmacist Qualifying Examination, which is typically reserved for pharmacy graduates in Canada and the USA only. The pharmacy programme at QU is the first international course to be awarded accreditation status by the CCAPP (Canada). The PEBC has also agreed to the delivery of the PEBC Pharmacist Qualifying Examination (Part 1) on a pilot basis on Qatar soil. This is expected to take place this November, allowing QU students to sit the exam in Doha rather than having to fly to Canada. This is the first time this examination will be delivered outside of North America. Dr Peter Jewesson, past-Dean of the College of Pharmacy at QU, heralded the recognition. He said: This is a very important milestone for our new … Continue reading

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Brain surgery brings relief to epilepsy patient

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

A rare surgery brought relief to a 28-year-old man suffering from epilepsy, a neurological disorder characterised by recurrent convulsions, for over 20 years. V. Rajprabhu had to discontinue his engineering course and take up job catering job. But, he had to quit his job soon because of severe seizures. He was on multiple anti-convulsion drugs but, they were not of much help. The patient was identified with left temporal lobe sclerosis and required the removal of a scar in the brain to check seizures. The surgical procedures called anterior temporal lobectomy and amygdalohippocampectomy were conducted by a team of doctors at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Nalla G. Palaniswami, chairman of the hospital, told presspersons on Saturday The surgery was conducted four weeks ago and since then no convulsions have been observed in the patient, while the dosage of anti-convulsion medicines was brought down. The three-and-a-half hour surgery was conducted by a team of doctors including neurosurgeon K. Madheshwaran, neurologist K. Vijayan and radiologists, under the guidance of Thomas Joseph, senior neurosurgeon. According to the doctors, around 80 per cent of the epilepsy cases could be treated with drugs. However, in some patients the convulsions were caused by tumours or … Continue reading

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Mid-South Autism Conference at Landers Center in Southaven

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

The second annual Mid-South Autism Conference opens Monday at Landers Center in Southaven and continues through Wednesday. Sponsored by Transformations Autism Treatment Center, the event is expected to attract hundreds of families and professionals alike. "Last year, we had over 700 people attend the conference in Tunica," said John Holtzman, one of the conference coordinators and director of development at Transformations. "It made a big impact, and we hope to continue with this year's conference." Holtzman said he and Transformations Center executive director Tracy Palm saw the need for the conference, and they hope it will help families learn about treatment options and also equip professionals with tools to help the families they serve. He pointed to recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data and statistics as the reason this conference and others like it across the country are vital. "The CDC announced that autism is at an epidemic level. About 1 in 88 children have been identified with autism spectrum disorder and 1 and 54 boys," he said. The theme of this year's conference is "Reason for Hope" and that's what Holtzman hopes attendees take away with them. This year's keynote speaker is Dr. Carl Sundberg, president and … Continue reading

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New autism treatment center in Portage unveiled; first residents to move in late August

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

PORTAGE, MI Double-layered drywall designed to withstand pounding fists, resilient flooring and tamper-proof screws are some features of the recently completed Great Lakes Center for Autism Treatment and Research at 9616 Portage Road. We are using architecture to reduce behavior problems or the impact of them, said Wayne Fuqua, a professor and chairman of Western Michigan University's Department of Psychology. Most people dont think about design helping behavior, but we did. Residential Opportunities Inc. and WMU began a $1.7 million renovation project on the 18,500-square-foot former Moose Lodge building purchased for $675,000 in January. The building is now a home, a school, a doctors office and a training ground for people who live with or treat autism and other behavioral disorders, such as cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. Were expecting to see the toughest kids, said Director Lloyd Peterson. If there are kids of equal need coming from Michigan and another state, we will take the Michigan child first. Its for Michiganders and will give those residents first preference. Peterson said the center hopes to help identify and reduce problematic behaviors in the residents who live in the center so they can better integrate with the community, many of whom … Continue reading

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MS: Facts about this disease

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

What is multiple sclerosis? A chronic, often-disabling disease that attacks the central nervous system i.e., the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves. According to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, the progress, severity and specific symptoms of MS are unpredictable and vary from one person to another. How many people does it affect? There are about 400,000 people in the United States with multiple sclerosis. More than 200 people are diagnosed every week, according the MS Society. Why does it happen? MS is considered an autoimmune disease in which the body's own defenses attacks myelin, a fatty substance surrounding and protecting nerve fibers in the central nervous system. Nerve fibers themselves can also be damaged. Damaged myelin will form scar tissue, called a sclerosis. Portions of the myelin sheath or nerve fiber that are damaged or destroyed cause nerve impulses that travel to and from the brain and spinal cord to be distorted or interrupted. It is those distortions or interruptions that create the large variety of symptoms that can plague MS patients. What are typical symptoms? Visit link: MS: Facts about this disease … Continue reading

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Hair Raising Side Effects of Propecia

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

Posted by Shezad Malik MD JDJuly 14, 2012 1:31 PM As a Dallas Texas Defective Drug attorney, I have written extensively about the side effects of many commonly used drugs, YAZ, Yasmin, Ocella, NuvaRing, Pradaxa and Actos. More recently attention as been directed at PROPECIA. What is Propecia? Propecia (finasteride) is a prescription medication that is marketed to help restore natural hair loss that occurs in some men. However, side effects of Propecia have been linked to sexual problems for some users, including reports of erectile dysfunction, decreased libido, genital shrinkage and problems with cognition. These issues have also been linked to severe depression and at least one man has reportedly committed suicide due to the Propecia problems. Here is a NBC News article that aired this week. %ta_ center; width: 420px% Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy Propecia Background Marketed and manufactured by Merck, Propecia is male pattern baldness drug that works by significantly blocking the action and production of dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a key hormone that plays a role and is a cause of scalp hair loss. The so called "male pattern baldness." Reducing the action of DHT appears to prevent the shrinking … Continue reading

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Drugs, guns, cash seized during raid

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

Two men were arrested following the seizure of two hand guns and various narcotics when police raided a residence to serve a drug search warrant Friday. Police suspected the residence at 149 Shoop Ave. to contain drugs as early as June 10 when the search warrant was signed, resulting in the raid teamresponding and collecting 185 grams of heroin, 44 grams of crack cocaine, 17 grams of marijuana, a 45mm Taurus firearm loaded with 11 rounds, and a Smith and Wesson 9 mm handgun loaded with 17 rounds at approximately 2 p.m, the police reported indicated. Preston Yeldell, 34, and Johnny Taylor, 55, were arrested after officers entered the home where the occupants initially scattered. The five people inside were detained and asked if the residence was used to sell drugs, according to the police report. All answered they either did not know or the home was not used for that purpose. Authorities also seized approximately $1,000 during the search warrant. As police began to pat down Yeldell they found several crack cocaine rocks in his shorts. Taylor was also found with the drug in one of his socks, and admitted to owning two crack pipes in the home. He … Continue reading

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Buy Viagra Cialis Levitra, Buy Cheap Cialis – Online Pharmacy, Best Offer.

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

kumenikus vesperk dtumai 2012-ben janur 10. vzkereszti februr 14. vzkereszti mrcius 13. bjti prilis 10. hsvti mjus 8. hsvti jnius 12. vkzi jlius 10. vkzi augusztus 14. vkzi szeptember 11. vkzi oktber 9. vkzi november 13. vkzi december 11. adventi Az imark A kzpkorban hagyomnyosan a kvetkez imarkat klnbztettk meg: Neve Matuta rmai istenn nevbl, illetve a latin matuta ('hajnali') szbl ered: jszakai/hajnali imara, korbban vigilinak (virraszt imara) is neveztk. 1969-ig, a zsolozsma talaktsig htkznapokon egy, nnepeken hrom nokturnusbl. A II. vatikni zsinat utn beolvadt az olvasmnyos imarba. A latin prima sz 'els'-t jelent, arra utalva, hogy ez a kis napkzi imark elsje. A II. v. zsinatot kveten ezt az imart megszntettk. Az offcium reggeli dicsrete. Eredetileg t a II. v. zsinat utn hrom zsoltr, himnusz, rvid olvasmny, responzrium, Benedictus (Zakaris hlaneke), knyrgs alkotja. A kis imark msodika: eredetileg dleltt 912 ra kztti idszakban mondtk. Latin neve a 'hrom'-ra utal. A latin 'hatodik'-bl, hora sexta (hatodik ra); az offcium dli imarja, a kis imark sorban a harmadik. A kishrk kzl a negyedik. Nevt a nap kilencedik rjrl (= du. 3 ra) nyerte, himnusza a kzelg estre utal. Az egyhzi latin ad vesperas horas ('az esti rkra') kifejezsbl, a vesper ('esthajnalcsillag') … Continue reading

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Cheap No Prescription Viagra, Buy Viagra Online – Online Pharmacy, Lowest Prices!

Posted: Published on July 15th, 2012

Index|Egyesletnk | Cljaink | Vezetsgnk | jsgunk | Ausztriai magyar egyesletek ISSZUK A LEVT A tiszn a halsz aranyhalat fog, mely megszlal: teljestem hrom kvnsgod, csak ne dobj vissza! Bizony honfoglal seink s nemzetalkot kirlyaink blcs elreltssal jelltk ki az orszg hatrait: nemcsak vdelmi szempontbl, de kolgiailag is sszefgg terlet a Krptmedence, gy ahogy azt nagyapinkra hagytk. Az koszisztma csaknem minden jelentsebb folyja a Krptmedencn bell ered s azon bell is folyik - kzvetve, vagy kzvetlen - a Dunba. Azt, hogy az ivvznek milyen felbecslhetetlen jelentsge van aligha kell rszleteznem. Ma mr ltalnosan elfogadott llspont, hogy a legkzelebbi krzisforrs az ivvz lessz. Trianon ta a magyarsg folyamatosan issza az els vilghbor elvesztsnek levt, s nemcsak jelkpesen! A februri nagy port kavar cin-eset csak egyik epizdja ennek. Az elavult technolgival s a korrupci jindulat rblintsval mkd romn vllalatok vtzedek ta ontjk szennyket Erdly folyiba melyek aztn lesztatjk azt Magyarorszgra. Emitt sorakozzon egy pr a vok eset kzl, a kolozsvri Szabadsg februr 25-i szma nyomn. 1998. februr 8-n a zalatnai Ampelum nemesfm-feldolgoz kombint knoxidos szennyezse 47 ezer hektrnyi terletet, s csak Fehr megyben 193 kilomternyi folyt tett teljesen tnkre. A Gyulafehrvr mellett a Marosba ml Ompoly vizbl teljesen kipusztult a hal s … Continue reading

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Propecia, Baldness Drug, Linked With Sexual Problems Even After Men Stop Taking It

Posted: Published on July 14th, 2012

The popular male pattern baldness drug finasteride, known commercially as Propecia, may have negative effects on sexual function months or years after a man has stopped taking it, according to a small new study. Propecia already comes with warnings of sex-related side effects, such as problems with ejaculation and orgasm, but the study shows that these effects might still be affecting men after they're off the drug. The research is published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. The study included 54 men who experienced sexual problems at least three months after stopping Propecia. The researchers found that 89 percent of them had sexual problems severe enough to be considered to have sexual dysfunction. TIME reported that for 96 percent of men who took Propecia and then stopped, sexual side effects continued on more than a year later. Therefore, "prescribers of finasteride and men contemplating its use should be made aware of the potential adverse medication effects," researchers wrote in the study. "Our findings make me suspicious that this drug may have done permanent damage to these men," study researcher Dr. Michael Irwig, of George Washington University, told ABC News. "The chances that they will improve? I think it's lower and … Continue reading

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