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The Rausings, U.K. billionaires, had drug issues

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

(AP) LONDON - When Eva Rausing approached the heavily guarded U.S. Embassy in London's Grosvenor Square four years ago to deal with a routine passport matter, she had to pass through British security, then face an airport-style metal detector so she and her handbag could be scanned for weapons and contraband. The wealthy American didn't leave her stash at home. She tried to pass the security scan with small amounts of crack cocaine, heroin and a banned stimulant in her purse. The subsequent arrest led police to search the multimillion-dollar property she shared with her husband, Tetra Pak heir Hans Kristian Rausing. Police found still more drugs, including a sizeable amount of cocaine. Charges were dropped in exchange for a formal police warning, but the arrest made public what close family and friends already knew: The golden couple, with untold riches, were deeply mired in drug addiction even as they gave millions to numerous anti-addiction charities. Their sad tale reached its climax this week when the 48-year-old Eva Rausing was found dead in their home and her husband arrested for questioning about drug use and placed in hospital care. The cause of Eva Rausing's death has not yet been established. … Continue reading

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Nearly Half of Newborns at Tenn. Hospital Drug-Dependent

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

In the neo-natal intensive care unit at the East Tennessee Children's Hospital in Knoxville, nurses give baby Grayson morphine every three hours to help ease his painful withdrawal symptoms. "He's currently on 160 micrograms," said nurse Andrew Pressnell. Other newborn babies shake and scream as nurses rush to administer care around the clock. Nearly half of the infants in the hospital's NICU are suffering from opiate withdrawal -- most from prescription painkillers. Watch the full story on "Nightline" TONIGHT at 11:35 p.m. ET Baby Grayson was quaking when he was admitted to the hospitals NICU at just 48 hours old. He was born with a serious drug dependency because his pregnant mother was addicted to painkillers. Grayson was brought to Children's Hospital from another hospital to wait for a spot in its special unit for newborns detoxing from painkillers. This specialized unit, just for babies going through withdrawal, is now full. In fact, out of the 58 babies in the hospital's NICU, 23 of them are going through withdrawal from prescription pills, including OxyContin, Vicodin and methadone. "I know people probably think I exaggerate when I say they have this very fearful look in their eyes, well they do," said … Continue reading

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Drugs used to treat HIV also reduce risk of HIV infection, review suggests

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

ScienceDaily (July 11, 2012) People at high risk of HIV infection can reduce their risk of acquiring the disease by taking antiretroviral drugs, according to Cochrane researchers. In an update of a systematic review first published in 2009, the researchers found that uninfected people in relationships with HIV-infected partners, men who have sex with men and those in other high risk groups are at a lower risk of becoming infected with the virus if they regularly take drugs that are normally prescribed to treat people with HIV. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is the standard drug treatment for HIV in patients whose disease has progressed to a certain level. Antiretroviral drugs are also beginning to be used as prophylactics in people at high risk of acquiring the disease from sexual partners. The use of antiretroviral drugs in preventing as opposed to treating HIV infection is referred to as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). PrEP is often considered controversial, not only because uninfected people may develop resistance to the drugs and experience serious side effects such as kidney toxicity and bone density loss, but also because the idea that PrEP offers protection may encourage people to indulge in riskier sexual behaviour, thereby increasing their overall … Continue reading

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U.S. Injected Gitmo Detainees With 'Mind Altering' Drugs

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

U.S. Army soldiers inside a cell block at Camp Five at the Joint Task Force Guantanamo detention center on Nov. 14, 2006. Photo: Army Prisoners inside the U.S. militarys detention center at Guantanamo Bay were forcibly given mind altering drugs, including being injected with a powerful anti-psychotic sedative used in psychiatric hospitals. Prisoners were often not told what medications they received, and were tricked into believing routine flu shots were truth serums. Its a serious violation of medical ethics, made worse by the fact that the military continued to interrogate prisoners while they were doped on psychoactive chemicals. Thats according to a recently declassified report (.pdf) from the Pentagons inspector general, obtained by Truthout after a Freedom of Information Act Request. In it, the inspector general concludes that certain detainees, diagnosed as having serious mental health conditions being treated with psychoactive medications on a continuing basis, were interrogated. The report does not conclude, though, that anti-psychotic drugs were used specificallyfor interrogation purposes. The only drug explicitly named in the report was Haldol, first marketed in the 1960s and still used today as a relatively cheap and hard-boiled anti-psychotic sedative in psychiatric hospitals (more commonly in emergency rooms). Haldol has declined … Continue reading

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Wayne Pharmacy and Respiratory Home Care Chooses the Inscrybe Referral Management Solution to Eliminate Paper and …

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

BERKELEY HEIGHTS, N.J., July 11, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Authentidate Holding Corp. (ADAT), a provider of secure web-based software applications and telehealth products and services for healthcare organizations, today announced that Wayne Pharmacy and Respiratory Home Care has selected Authentidate's Inscrybe(R) Referral Management solution to help improve its care order processing, management and completion. Wayne Pharmacy will use the Inscrybe web-based application to securely process care orders from referring physicians electronically (care plans, physician orders, and other orders). Inscrybe also provides electronic signing capabilities to those physicians using the secure online web application to approve care orders and can be seamlessly interfaced with billing and electronic medical records systems. "We are very interested in enhancing our processes and procedures, eliminating paper management and reducing the time required to secure properly completed care order documentation. Inscrybe handles all care orders as electronic documents regardless of the delivery mechanism and simplifies the care order process using rules-based forms and processes. We chose Inscrybe because its capabilities fit our needs well," said Kenneth Wiggens, Officer at Wayne Pharmacy Inc. The Inscrybe Referral Management solution is a secure web-based software service that enables providers and suppliers to process referrals and care orders faster and … Continue reading

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canadian pharmacy online

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

Kota Kinabalu: State Reform Party (Star), on Monday called on all Sabahans to commemorate the day of the signing of the Malaysian Agreement in London on July 9, forty nine years ago. It also called on the Government, especially the Prime Minister, to honour the original contents of the deal and at the same time for Sabahans to realise the importance of the day, which involved Sabah, Sarawak, Singapore, Federation of Malaya and the British Government, agreeing to form Malaysia. The people also need to know of the things that happened between the date of the signing until the announcement on Sept. 16, the party said. "Commemoration of this day is line with the struggle of Star which is according to the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement. We call upon the government to return our rights as stated in the 1963 agreement," said Star Deputy Chairman, Awg Ahmad Shah at the party's office in Kepayan. He said the government needs to make sure that all the rights are given back to Sabah as a sovereign country, which together with Sarawak and Singapore formed Malaysia with the Federation of Malaya. Awg Ahmad said it is not part of the spirit of … Continue reading

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Pharmacy Retailing in the UK | Verdict Market Report

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

NEW YORK, July 11, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue: Pharmacy Retailing in the UK | Verdict Market Report|-Verdict-Market-Report.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Pharmacies_and_Drug_Stores With an ageing population, significant changes in government policy and consolidation in the market, Pharmacy is an ever-changing sector. Learn where the opportunities and threats are in the market and how to manage these most effectively for your business.Reduce the impact of changes in government policy on your business by being prepared and understanding where the greatest threats will come from.Use the data, forecasts to 2015, and insight on the market, including NHS receipts and OTC, to help form an effective growth strategy.Understand the impact on pharmacy retailing of the Boots/Walgreens merger and how the investment will increase competitiveness in the sector.Identify the opportunities to grow business in this sector by comparing strategies of the key players in the market and their performance metrics.In 2011, the government announced plans for changes in the control of entry rules that would end the 100 hours exemption and this has prompted a rush of opening applications which we forecast will dilute profitability. 250 new pharmacies opened in the first four months of 2012.Furthermore … Continue reading

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Auto insurance hearings hold Brampton session

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

Provincial politicians heard from a broker, doctors, a physical therapist, a brain injury victim and others during local public hearings on the auto insurance industry. Brampton hosted the second meeting in a series of public hearings being conducted in several Ontario communities. The provincial governments Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs has organized the sessions as part of a study of the auto insurance industrys practices and trends. The study was undertaken to develop recommendations on how auto insurance rates could be made more affordable. The Committee, composed of MPPs from the Liberal, Progressive Conservative and New Democratic parties, was in Toronto Monday. Tuesdays session was held at Bramptons Holiday Inn on Peel Centre Drive. More meetings are scheduled in Windsor and Thunder Bay this week. Mississauga-Brampton South Liberal MPP Amrit Mangat and Bramalea-Gore-Malton New Democrat Jagmeet Singh joined committee proceedings Tuesday to hear speakers and ask questions of presenters. Both politicians have introduced private members bills designed to help lower insurance rates. Singhs was focussed on preventing a drivers home address from being used as the primary factor in determining their policy rates. His proposed bill was rejected by 52-16 vote in the legislature during second reading last … Continue reading

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Stress reduction therapy prevents MS brain lesions

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

Public release date: 11-Jul-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ] Contact: Hilary Hurd Anyaso 847-491-4887 Northwestern University CHICAGO --- A weekly stress management program for patients with multiple sclerosis (M.S.) prevented the development of new brain lesions, a marker of the disease's activity in the brain, according to new Northwestern Medicine research. Brain lesions in M.S. often precede flare-ups of symptoms such as loss of vision or use of limbs or pain. "This is the first time counseling or psychotherapy has been shown to affect the development of new brain lesions," said David Mohr, principal investigator of the study and professor of preventive medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. "In M.S., the prevention of new brain lesions is an important marker used to judge how effective medications are." "The new finding is an important step and the strongest evidence we have to date that stress is involved in M.S.," Mohr added. The results indicate that stress management therapy may be a useful adjunct treatment with drug therapy for M.S., but a larger clinical trial is needed to confirm this, Mohr said. The study is published in the July 11, 2012 issue of Neurology, the medical journal of … Continue reading

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Stress management training may help reduce disease activity in MS

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2012

Public release date: 11-Jul-2012 [ | E-mail | Share ] Contact: Rachel Seroka 612-928-6021 American Academy of Neurology MINNEAPOLIS A new study shows that taking part in a stress management program may help people with multiple sclerosis (MS) prevent new disease activity. The study is published in the July 11, 2012, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study involved 121 people with MS. Half received the stress management program, meeting with a therapist for 16 individual 50-minute sessions over five to six months. They learned about problem-solving skills, relaxation, increasing positive activities, and enhancing their social support. They could also choose optional sessions on topics such as fatigue management, anxiety reduction, pain management and insomnia treatment. After the treatment ended, the participants were followed for another five to six months. The remaining participants were put on a waiting list as a control group. After 10 months, they attended a five-hour workshop on stress management. A total of 77 percent of those receiving stress management training were free of new lesions, or brain damage that indicates disease activity, during the treatment period, compared to 55 percent of those in the control group. … Continue reading

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