Parental love crucial to recovery of cerebral palsy kids Wishesland

Posted: Published on March 10th, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

KUCHING: Children diagnosed with cerebral palsy will have a better recovery rate with the constant love and care of both parents.

According to Wishesland (also known as Kuching & Samarahan Division Cerebral Palsy Association) president Chi Poh Yung, raising a child with cerebral palsy required equal love from both father and mother.

Children with cerebral palsy need their parents more than the physiotherapists as we have found that with adequate fatherly love, their recovery is faster, he told reporters at a press conference held at Wishesland Centre yesterday.

Also present was founder Dato Patrick Liew.

Chi pointed out that cerebral palsy was a disorder of movements and posture due to damage or failure to develop normally in a small part of the brain controlling these activities.

It is one of the most common congenital disorders of childhood and around nine of out 10 who are diagnosed with cerebral palsy are bedridden, he revealed, adding that with every 500 new births in Malaysia, one infant will be diagnosed with cerebral palsy.

As a father to a child with cerebral palsy, Chi acknowledged that it was not an easy task to raise children with cerebral palsy as most parents find that they are up to their neck in trying to find ways to seek treatment for their young.

Since establishing Wishesland in 2009, our main purpose was to serve as a one-stop information and education centre for children (and adults) diagnosed with cerebral palsy through our programmes which not only depends on conventional treatment but also alternatives such as hydrotherapy, he said.

At the centre, the non-governmental and non-profit organisation conducts activities in designated zones such as physiotheraphy zone, daily activity zone, academic zone and play zone among others.

We also conduct workshops from time to time to disseminate information on cerebral palsy, he added.

Parental love crucial to recovery of cerebral palsy kids Wishesland

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