Pathway Genomics Selected as a “Cool Company” by San Diego Venture Group

Posted: Published on June 5th, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons


Pathway Genomics Corporation, a clinical genetic testing laboratory and results interpretation service based in San Diego, has been selected by San Diego Venture Group as one of 30 cool companies to be featured at its 10th Annual Venture Summit on June 6. Selected from a field of over 150 applicants, Pathway Genomics and the other 29 companies will be a prominent part of the event, which draws more than 100 venture capitalists and 500 attendees.

The selection is a reminder that companies like Pathway are at the forefront of a major shift in the way medicine is practiced throughout the world, said Jim Plante, Pathways founder and CEO.

Pathway provides genetic tests for drug responses, nutrition and exercise response, inherited genetic conditions, and risk of many diseases. Pathway consists of more than 40 scientific and medical professionals, including medical doctors, molecular geneticists, and genetic counselors, as well as a world-leading scientific advisory board.

To learn more about Pathways genetic testing services, visit For more information about San Diego Venture Groups Cool Companies 2012 and its 10th Annual Venture Summit, visit

About Pathway Genomics

Pathway Genomics owns and operates an on-site genetic testing laboratory that is accredited by the College of American Pathologists (CAP), accredited in accordance with the U.S. Health and Human Services Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) of 1988, and licensed by the state of California. Using only a saliva sample, the company incorporates customized and scientifically validated technologies to generate personalized reports, which address a variety of medical issues, including an individuals carrier status for recessive genetic conditions, food metabolism and exercise response, prescription drug response, and propensity to develop certain diseases such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. For more information about Pathway Genomics, visit

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Pathway Genomics Selected as a “Cool Company” by San Diego Venture Group

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