Pharmacy Burglars Caught on Camera

Posted: Published on June 28th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Posted on: 6:30 pm, June 27, 2012, by Carter Watkins, updated on: 07:16pm, June 27, 2012

FLORENCE, Ala (WHNT) Its been happening far too often for police in the valley, a person smashes a window or door to a pharmacy attempting to break-in to steal valuable prescription drugs.

But pharmacy owners in Russellville are helping police by upgrading their own security systems.

In surveillance video released by police, two men can be seen walking down the sidewalk, scoping out Russellville Pharmacy.

Eventually, one of the men can be seen taking a brick and throwing it through the front glass window.

Surveillance cameras serve as the eye in the sky for police to help catch these would-be criminals.

Every time they attempt to break-in, whether they get anything or not, its costing the pharmacy because of the damage to windows, doors and that type of thing, says Russellville Police Chief Chris Hargett. So, I think they are seeing also in the long run, its paying off to invest in some type of security systems.

These two men tried breaking into the Russellville Pharmacy early Sunday morning.

This particular pharmacy has been plagued by break-ins over the past several years.

But police say that business owners are stepping up surveillance measures to scare off crooks.

The rest is here:
Pharmacy Burglars Caught on Camera

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