Pharmacy relocation

Posted: Published on July 25th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

The anticipated other shoe dropped this week when Big Y Foods announced it will be closing its pharmacy at 2 Bank St. in New Milford and consolidating its services at the Big Y store across the Housatonic River.

That move will mark the end of an era for downtown New Milford and will herald a new era of opportunity for the downtown business community.

When Big Y bought the pharmacy -- then called the New Milford Pharmacy -- from the Salisbury Pharmacy Group a year and a half ago, many residents and town officials predicted it wouldn't be long before Big Y consolidated its two stores.

They were right.

And when local businessman Gary Goldring bought the building last month, the handwriting was on the wall for Big Y's imminent departure from the Village Green.

The move, scheduled for August, will leave the village center without a pharmacy for the first time in memory.

For decades, two mom-and-pop stores -- the Slone Pharmacy at the head of Bank Street and Lautier's Pharmacy at the foot of the street served the community. And after Lautier's closed, CVS provided a second pharmacy in the heart of the village center until it moved from Main Street to East Street a few years ago.

There will certainly be those who will lament the absence of a pharmacy -- especially a mom-and-pop pharmacy -- within short walking distance of the Green, and whose memories will be stirred about the "good old days."

There will be those, too, who will worry about how long the Big Y pharmacy site will remain vacant -- a valid concern, especially given the length of time the former CVS store on Main Street has sat empty.

The reality, however, is that the public will continue to have its choice of several pharmacies in New Milford.

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Pharmacy relocation

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