PhD studentships – Imperial College London

Posted: Published on February 12th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Current departmental funding opportunities are listed below. We also welcome PhD applications throughout the year from students with independent scholarship funding. However, we cannot normally accept applicants wishing to support themselves with personal funds. Such applications may be considered but will require additional departmental approval.

* overseas applicants must be able to cover the difference between Home & Overseas tuition fees

The ESPRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Neurotechnology for Life and Health spans the Faculties of Engineering, Natural Sciences and Medicine at Imperial, with investigators from the Departments of Bioengineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Computing, Chemistry, Physics, Life Sciences, and the Division of Brain Sciences. The CDT offers 4-year studentships comprising an initial MRes year and 3 years of PhD.

Visit the CDT projects page for details of studetnships awarded for October 2014. Further studentships for October 2015 start will be advertised in November 2014.

PhD applicants to Bioengineering may also be nominated for some of the available College scholarships. Please visit the College Scholarships page for full details of all PhD scholarships available and application processes.


If applying for funding, you should contact your chosen supervisor well before the deadlines listed above to ensure that they have sufficient time to review your application and - if appropriate - arrange an interview. Candidates who do not meet the relevant deadlines can be considered for the PhD programme but may not be considered for departmental funding.

The PhD Programme in Bioengineering provides interdiscipli nary tr aining at the interface between technology and biomedicine, delivered through an in-depth research project supplemented by specific training modules in computational and experimental methods.

The Department of Bioengineering at Imperial College is the leading department of bioengineering in the UK and attracts outstanding students and researchers from around the world. Research in the Department is highly interdisciplinary and involves collaborations with many other Imperial College departments as well as leading London hospitals and other international centres of research. The Department's research interests lie within the following broad themes:

Please consult our research pages for further details.

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PhD studentships - Imperial College London

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