Poorly Jack Christmas, 8, needs 20k to get vital stem cell research – Hull Daily Mail

Posted: Published on February 28th, 2017

This post was added by Dr Simmons


A little boy with a rare genetic condition which left him unable to walk or talk could be one of just five people to contribute to vital research.

But Jack Christmas' family need to raise 20,000 to send the eight-year-old to America for the stem cell research in June.

Jack, of Gainford Grove, east Hull, was diagnosed with Mowat Wilson Syndrome in April 2012, and is one of only 171 children across the world to have the condition, caused by a gene deficiency or mutation.

Jack's mum, Dawn, said while the little boy is totally dependent on adults, he is making good progress.

"Jack doesn't talk, has to have all food pureed, can't feed or dress himself, is doubly incontinent, in fact he is totally dependent on adults," she said.

"All this said and done and he can now crawl, clap his hands and waves hello and goodbye as well as signing money and bird. Jack can also drink out of a feeder cup and on Christmas Eve 2015 Jack took his first unsteady independent steps."

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As well as Mowat Wilson Syndrome, the Tweendykes School pupil has also been diagnosed with Global Development Delays, Gross Motor Disorder and Brain Atrophy. He also suffers from life-threatening seizures.

But now his family hope Jack can help doctors work towards finding a treatment for the condition by taking part in the research.

Dad Tony said: "For Jack, the gene that's affected is mutated, it is there, so there might be something doctors can do to manipulate it is.

"They might not be able to do anything and even if they can it might not be for 10 years, but Jack taking part in the research might help them find the answers.

"It also means if they do manage to find something, he will be able to have the treatment."

Tony said even if doctors were able to find a treatment, it probably wouldn't completely cure Jack's condition. He said: "He will always have Mowat Wilson Syndrome.

"But they might be able to find ways to make it easier for him."

The family have already raised 8,000 to fund the costs of travelling to the USA, but still need to raise 12,000 to foot the bill. And as part of their fundraising, they are hosting a fundraiser for the Life For A Kid Foundation a Hull charity supporting the family.

Dawn said the evening at Wawne Ferry pub, in Bransholme, would be a "night of singing, dancing, bingo, yes BINGO and a raffle."

Tickets for the 'Get ya dabbers ready' event, from 7.30pm on March 11, cost 5. You can also donate to Jack's cause on the family's Virgin Money Giving page.

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Poorly Jack Christmas, 8, needs 20k to get vital stem cell research - Hull Daily Mail

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