PRIB: Senate passes Chemistry Profession Act

Posted: Published on September 16th, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Press Release September 15, 2014

Senate passes Chemistry Profession Act

The Senate today approved on third and final reading a bill which seeks to regulate and modernize the practice of chemistry in the Philippines.

Sen. Antonio "Sonny" Trillanes IV, author and sponsor of Senate Bill No. 914, also known as the Chemistry Profession Act of 2014, said that the existing Republic Act 754 which was enacted in 1952 needed to be reformulated in order to make the law more responsive to the recent developments in Science and Technology.

Trillanes said that during the 15th Congress, the bill was passed on final reading in the House of Representatives but had not been approved in the Senate due to time constraint.

"Significant changes brought about by the rapid developments in chemistry, science and technology, the rise of international standards, global competition, as well as concerns for the environment, climate change and sustainable development necessitate changes in the chemistry law so that it wil1 be more responsive to these modern developments," Trillanes said.

Trillanes said the bill also aimed to update the definition of chemistry and the scope of its professional practice, rationalize the relationship between chemistry and its allied professions and bring the practice of chemistry in line with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) Modernization Act of 2000 (RA 8981), as well as national concerns related chemistry, such as toxic and hazardous and nuclear waste Act (RA 6969) and dangerous drugs Act (RA 9165).

He said the bill called for the creation of the Professional Regulatory Board of Chemistry which will supervise and regulate the practice of the chemistry profession in the Philippines. The board shall also determine the requirements and evaluate the qualifications of the applicants for registration and renewal of license of registered chemists and registered chemical technicians.

Under the proposed legislation, the board shall be composed of a chairperson and two members under the administrative control and supervision of the PRC to be referred to as the Commission. Members of the board shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines.

Trillanes said that a person who wished to practice chemistry and chemical analysis must obtain a certificate of registration and pass the licensure examination given by the Professional Regulatory Board of Chemistry.

Read the rest here:
PRIB: Senate passes Chemistry Profession Act

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