Rate of cancer expected to climb 20 per cent by 2016 in state's west

Posted: Published on January 24th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Jan. 24, 2015, 4 a.m.

Heather Crosby

Sue Jones. Photo: Belinda Soole

THERE will be a 20 per cent increase in cancer in the western region by 2016.

That's the word from Western NSW Local Health District director of cancer services Ruth Jones following analysis of the latest available data.

Ms Jones said treatment services were busier than ever.

"But the good news is more people are living well with cancer and mortality rates are decreasing," she said.

Prostate, bowel, breast, melanoma and lung cancer were at the top of the list for western NSW and across the state.

"Lung cancer is what takes the most lives," Ms Jones said.

"That's why there is a push around tobacco.

Read the original here:
Rate of cancer expected to climb 20 per cent by 2016 in state's west

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