Recovery Focused Drug Rehab Center Reacts to Dangerous New Drug Called “N-Bomb” a Synthetic Hallucinogenic

Posted: Published on May 31st, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

West Palm Beach, Florida (PRWEB) May 31, 2013

N-Bomb, a new synthetic drug being compared to LSD, has been reported to cause hallucinations, psychotic episodes and, in some cases, even death. This week, The Daily News reported on 18 year-old Noah Carrasco who died after taking a hit of N-Bomb To read more about this dangerous and deadly drug that is on the market visit this link here .

The medical director at Recovery Associates, Board Certified Adolescent Addictions Psychiatrist Dr. Eduardo Pena, explains how, developmentally, teens in particular are more likely to try new drugs despite the potential risk factors.

He states, Adolescence is often characterized as a time of risk taking to the point of recklessness. While adolescents are in fact the biggest risk takers among the age groups; they use the same basic cognitive strategies that adults do. They do recognize they're mortal contrary to popular belief, it's simply that they weigh the rewards in a situation more heavily than adults do.

Recovery Associates is a drug and alcohol treatment center that provides a variety of programs and services for men, women and teens struggling with chemical dependency issues. At the core of their philosophy is the belief that addiction is a treatable illness. Their addiction treatment experience has shown that anyone is capable of achieving lasting recovery and physical, mental and spiritual freedom from the disease of addiction.

Their unique program offers three different tracks: a Traditional Track, an Expressive Therapies Track and a Christian Addiction Treatment Track. They believe that by utilizing a variety of therapies they can better assist their clients in finding their own individualized path to recovery. Their focus is on the underlying issues that have led to the addictive behaviors and destructive patterns.

Recovery Associates multidisciplinary team is made up of a Board Certified Addictions Psychiatrist, Masters Level Therapists and Certified Addictions Counselors. They are passionate about recovery and helping individuals and families begin the healing process.

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Recovery Focused Drug Rehab Center Reacts to Dangerous New Drug Called “N-Bomb” a Synthetic Hallucinogenic

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