S.C. Personal Injury Attorney At Joye Law Firm Says Brain Injury Awareness Month’s ‘Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone …

Posted: Published on March 9th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

North Charleston, S.C. (PRWEB) March 09, 2013

Charleston personal injury lawyer Ken Harrell today offered Joye Law Firms support to the Brain Injury Association of Americas designation of March as Brain Injury Awareness Month, saying its Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone theme is on the mark.

At Joye Law Firm, our lawyers recognize the devastation a brain injury can cause, because weve seen it in our work with catastrophic injury victims who have suffered TBI in car accidents, falls and other accidents, said Harrell, managing partner of the personal injury law firm with offices in North Charleston and Myrtle Beach.

We appreciate the Brain Injury Association of Americas efforts to increase awareness about the prevalence of TBI and the fact that an accident that causes a traumatic brain injury can happen to anyone at any time, he said.

The Brain Injury Association of America (BIAA) is the countrys oldest and largest nationwide brain injury advocacy organization. Its Palmetto State affiliate, the BIA of South Carolina, is located in Columbia.

The BIAAs primary message for Brain Injury Awareness Month 2013 is that a brain injury can happen anytime, anywhere, to anyone -- a brain injury does not discriminate.

The advocacy group says 1.7 million Americans, including 475,000 children, suffer a brain injury each year. It says 3.1 million Americans are living with TBI.

A traumatic brain injury is a blow, jolt or bump to the head or a penetrating head injury that disrupts the normal function of the brain, according to the BIAA. The effect of a TBI can range from a mild concussion to a lifelong debilitating injury.

TBIs are caused by falls (35 percent), car crashes (17 percent), workplace accidents (16 percent), assaults (10 percent) and other incidents (21 percent), the BIAA says.

Just as no two people are exactly alike, no two brain injuries are exactly alike, the group says in promotional material. For some, brain injury is the start of a lifelong disease process. The injury requires access to a full continuum of medically necessary treatment and community-based supports furnished by interdisciplinary teams of qualified and specialized clinicians working in accredited programs and appropriate settings.

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S.C. Personal Injury Attorney At Joye Law Firm Says Brain Injury Awareness Month’s ‘Anytime, Anywhere, Anyone ...

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