Scientists accuse Church of ignorance over three parent babies

Posted: Published on January 30th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

But it is remarkable that the Church has pronounced that there has been insufficient scientific study without first asking the scientists who lead this research, the families who stand to benefit, or the Wellcome Trust, which funds it, to explain the science to the Archbishops Council.

The Church appears to have ignored the unprecedented independent scrutiny of scientific, ethical and public opinion about mitochondrial donation conducted over the last seven years.

Next Tuesday, MPs will vote to amend the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 and legalise mitochondrial DNA transfer.

The procedure, which was developed by British scientists, allows IVF clinics to replace an egg's defective mitochondrial DNA with healthy DNA from a female donor, to prevent children suffering debilitating conditions like muscular dystrophy.

It is controversial because it would result in babies having DNA from three people and effectively, two mothers.

Until now the Anglican Church has withheld judgement on the issue, asking for more scientific evidence. But this week it announced that it could not support the legislation.

But the Rev Dr Brendan McCarthy, the Church of Englands national adviser on medical ethics, said: A wide number of questions remain to be answered before it would be wise to proceed. The Church has participated in the debate at every stage, making submissions to consultations run by the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the HFEA and the Department of Health as well as participating in relevant seminars and workshops.

Our view, however, remains that we believe that the law should not be changed until there has been further scientific study and informed debate into the ethics, safety and efficacy of mitochondrial replacement therapy.

The Catholic Church is also against the procedure.

Bishop John Sherrington said: Many people are rightly concerned about the profound implications of Parliament passing regulations under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act to licence the creation of human embryos using the DNA of three people.

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Scientists accuse Church of ignorance over three parent babies

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