Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa approaches

Posted: Published on July 17th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

LA JOLLA The 2013 Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa, San Diego's biggest meeting of stem cell science and business, takes place Oct. 14-16 in La Jolla. This symposium has grown over the years from a strictly scientific event to a major nexus of biotech science and business in regenerative medicine.

It's sponsored by the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine, the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine and the Sanford Consortium for Regenerative Medicine.

The meeting begins Oct. 14-15 with the business part, the third annual Regenerative Medicine Partnering Forum. Held at the Estancia La Jolla Hotel & Spa, this event is for business executives to discuss advances in regenerative medicine from a business perspective.

On Oct. 16, the scene moves over to the Salk Institute for the eight annual Scientific Symposium. Here, scientists, business leaders, patient advocates and government officials will discuss the state of regenerative medicine from their perspectives.

A preliminary agenda is available now; sponsors say a full agenda will be posted soon.

And for more context about the meeting and its history, here's headlines and links to stories about the meeting in previous years:

2012 - Stem cell meeting takes on national, international flavor

2012 - Venter: Biofuels 'dead' without U.S. aid

Videos of the 2012 meeting are available at The Science Network.

2011 - Cloning pioneer urges shift away from embryonic stem cells

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Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa approaches

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