Strokes are considered serious medical conditions that cannot be treated outside of a hospital. In terms of the different types of strokes, there are two. These are: ischemic strokes and hemorrhagic strokes. Both are very serious, though since they are a bit different from one another a person may experience unique sets of stroke symptoms. A more detailed explanation of how these types of strokes work is provided below.
With an Ischemic stroke, the vessel is blocked because of a clog. This is the most common type of stroke, making up 83 percent of all stroke cases. The clogs come about because of fatty deposits that are unable to travel through the bloodstream, (a condition known as atherosclerosis). The clogs can cause one of two problems in the blood vessels including: cerebral thrombosis and cerebral embolism. With cerebral thrombosis a blood clot develops in the area where the blockage has occurred. On the other hand, with a cerebral embolism, the clot itself actually forms in another area of the body, such as the heart or the neck. It grows to the point that it breaks apart. These broken portions travel into the bloodstream and eventually reach the blood vessels in the brain. They keep traveling until they get to a point where the vessels are too small. It should be noted that cerebral embolism can also be formed from atrial fibrillation, which is an irregular heartbeat. This causes clots in the heart, which can travel into the brain.
Hemorrhagic stroke is the next type of stroke, making up around 17 percent of all stroke cases. With hemorrhagic stroke a weak blood vessel from within the brain erupts, as it is unable to handle itself normally. The blood moves from the eruption and accumulates in the brain tissue around the area. The main cause for hemorrhagic stroke include aneurysms and arteriovenous malformations, (also known as AVMs). Aneurysms occur when blood piles up in a weak area of a blood vessel. When this area erupts, it results in the hemorrhagic stroke. On the other hand, arteriovenous malformations are collections of blood vessels that are abnormally formed. Since they are not normal, they can erupt at any time. And when they do, a hemorrhagic stroke is the result.
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