Stanislawa Gunther suffered a stroke on January 3 and was taken to Flinders Medical Centre where she wasn't seen by a doctor for almost seven hours. Her daughter Eva Gac says her mother has suffered permanent disability as a result. Picture: Tait Schmaal Source: AdelaideNow
THE family of a woman who waited seven hours in emergency for treatment after suffering a stroke say she suffered permanent damage
Stanislawa Gunther, 82, suffered a stroke on January 3 and now has limited movement on her left side.
Her daughter, Eva Gac, believes Flinders Medical Centre was negligent in the treatment of her mother and has demanded a full investigation.
Health Minister John Hill has defended the treatment process, while the hospital said the delay had no impact on her outcome.
But Mrs Gac disagrees.
She said a thrombolysis - treatment which can prevent permanent damage from stroke - could have been administered.
"My mother was left waiting in a cubicle from around 5pm until midnight and was not checked by doctors," Mrs Gac said.
"It is my understanding that stroke patients have priority in the emergency department, like heart attacks."
She is speaking publicly following reports of ambulances vecoming bottlenecked at FMC earlier this week.
More here:
Stroke victim 'left for seven hours'