Stroke victim turned away from hospital because it was ‘5pm on a Friday’

Posted: Published on December 19th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Retired vet John Mallalieu was minutes from treatment when his ambulance crew got a call diverting them to a hospital 14 miles away

A stroke victim aged 89 was turned away from a hospital because it was too late on a Friday afternoon, his distraught wife claimed yesterday.

Retired vet John Mallalieu was minutes from treatment when his ambulance crew got a call diverting them to a hospital 14 miles away.

His wife Ruth said the switch was ordered because a consultant was going away for the weekend. She added: Johns treatment was delayed an hour and Im 100% convinced it made his present condition worse.

John is now in intensive care and hospital chiefs have launched an investigation.

Ruth, 84, phoned for an ambulance after he fell ill at his home in Caunton, Notts, on December 6.

Fears: Wife Ruth


She said: They took 40 minutes to get here at 4.30pm and we set off for Kings Mill Hospital 17 miles away in Mansfield.

We were told he would be accepted if we arrived by 5pm.

The rest is here:
Stroke victim turned away from hospital because it was '5pm on a Friday'

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