Tacoma biology teach accused of sex with student

Posted: Published on February 19th, 2015

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

A biology teacher at Tacoma's Washington High School pleaded is accused of having sex with a 16-year-old female student who told authorities about the relationship after the teacher tried to break it off, court documents show.

The teacher, identified as Christopher A. McKay, 30, was charged Wednesday in Pierce County Superior Court with four counts of sexual misconduct with a minor that allegedly took place over a period of several months. He pleaded not guilty to the charges.

According to the case file, McKay was the student's 10th-grade biology teacher in 2012-13. Beginning in 11th grade, the student enrolled in the Running Start program and began hanging out in McKay's classroom to study during his planning period an hour before the start of the school day.

A few months later, around March 2014, the two of them began communicating via text message, and the texts gradually became flirtatious, according to court documents.

In mid-April 2014, the student told detectives that she and McKay went for a walk at a local park, then returned to a car where they had sex for the first time, court documents show.

Over the next nine months, they had sex two or three times a month at McKay's apartment or at his girlfriend's house while she was at work, according to court records.

On one occasion, McKay's girlfriend returned home while the student was there. McKay told her that he was providing the student with emotional support because her mother had been diagnosed with cancer. McKay's girlfriend told him not to bring students to her house.

The girl told detectives that McKay eventually tried to end the relationship, telling her it was wrong. The victim then began to cut herself and had suicidal thoughts.

On a school day, the girl had a panic attack and begged McKay to stay home with her. A few hours later, she received a call from a person claiming to be McKay's attorney, who told her that she needed to leave McKay's apartment and not have further contact with him.

The student then called McKay, who said he could not speak to her because someone had called Child Protective Services.

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Tacoma biology teach accused of sex with student

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