Teen writes book, hopes to see it as TV series

Posted: Published on August 10th, 2014

This post was added by Dr. Richardson

NEWARK, Ark. (AP) - While many teen girls are concerned with the latest fashions, cell phones and their friends, 15-year-old Abby Summers has bigger issues - like how to convince major Hollywood producers to turn her book into a television series.

Summers has recently published her first book, The Unknowns, and while that might be satisfaction enough for some people, Summers is already planning the second book in what will be a trilogy and will be pitching her book before producers in Los Angeles in September, The Batesville Daily Guard reported (http://bit.ly/1oyMO26 ).

Summers fictional book, The Unknowns, centers around six teenagers who awake to find themselves in a forest and make their way to a place called Ataxia. The main character, Alex, is adopted and raised in an abusive home with alcoholic parents and has learned to survive on her own - a trait she would need to survive.

Summers book shows shes got quite an imagination as it is a far cry from her real life with parents Mark and Crystal and brother, Andrew, 17, who has Bardet-Biedl syndrome with retinitis pigmentosa, a condition that will eventually take his sight.

The trip to Los Angeles will double as a family vacation and will include trips to the Grand Canyon and Hollywood.

We just want to let him see while he still can, Crystal said.

Although Summers had already determined she was going to write a book, she credits her brother with helping her to finish it as he pushed her to continue on, saying he looked forward to reading the story even though he normally hates reading.

It was really encouraging getting Andrews approval, she said. I dont think I couldve finished it without the encouragement of my brother and friends.

Those friends also include her best friend, Harmony Looney, and Jessica Burns.

Ive got a lot of my friends personalities in people (characters) but it doesnt mean theyre based on them, Summers said.

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Teen writes book, hopes to see it as TV series

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