Texans for Stem Cell Research

Posted: Published on July 12th, 2016

This post was added by Dr Simmons

This is the amount we raised due all of you!

Thank you to all of our sponsors, musicians golfers, cooks, volunteers, and everyone else that helped make our "Swingin' n' Singin' for Cures" an incredible event.

We have a goal of raising another $78,000 by October 31st, 2014.

So please help spread the word and tell your friends to please hit the Donate button here on our home page and let's get to this goal!

These funds will go directly to the groundbreaking research of Dr. Will Decker and Ratan Bhardwaj, two members of our Medical Advisory Committee. Please read their executive summary link on this page to learn how their t-cell immunology to treat tumors may make chemo and radiation treatments a thing of the past!

Also TSCR will be represented at this year's World Stem Cell Summit in San Antonio, December 3-5th. TSCR's Chairman, David L. Bales has been asked to speak on grass roots stem cell advocacy.

We are honored to be able to speak on behalf of all Texans that support stem cell research and regenerative medicine.

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Texans for Stem Cell Research

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