The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Brummagemously Ugly! – Video

Posted: Published on January 9th, 2013

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Brummagemously Ugly!
The Good! *ACLU* The civil liberties organization has settled a suit with the US government that will allow many military servicemembers discharged under the anti-gay Don #39;t Ask Don #39;t Tell law to receive full separation pay. Many members that were discharged under the law only received half of the seperation pay that they were due. Thanks to the lawsuit - ex-military members that were discharged after November 10, 2004 due to Dont Ask Dont Tell will now be entitled all of the money that they were originally denied. Don #39;t Ask Dont Tell was repealed - and officially ended in September of 2010. Homosexual Americans now have the right to proudly serve and defend their nation - without fear of retribution. ---------------- The Bad! *Police Use of Excessive Force* Over the last few years - there have been countless incidents of police using excessive force - from Occupy Wall Street protests to college campuses. But now - the epidemic is spreading to routine traffic stops. A video of a recent traffic stop in Texas is circulating the web - in which two women can be seen being cavity searched. The women were originally pulled over for littering - when an officer claimed that he smelled marijuana in their car. After a thorough search of the car - no drugs were found - but the officer still called a female officer over to perform invasive cavity searches of both women. Of course nothing was found. The women are now suing the state of Texas. Just another sad day for civil liberties in ...

By: TheBigPictureRT

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The Good, The Bad and the Very Very Brummagemously Ugly! - Video

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