Hackensack, NJ (PRWEB) October 31, 2013
The program is meant for parents and health professionals alike. Continuing education credits for New Jersey nurses will be provided. Invited speaker and childhood epilepsy expert, Dr. John Pellock will discuss epilepsy emergencies in children, new medications for epilepsy and future therapies. He is joined by an exceptional group of epilepsy specialists who will lecture on new advances in diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy, epilepsy surgery, autism and epilepsy, infantile spasms, Tuberous Sclerosis, Lennox Gastaut Syndrome, Dravets Syndrome, and genetics in epilepsy. The Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey will share know-how and local resources for parents and health providers.
The conference is free of charge and is taking place on November 8 at the Hackensack University Medical Center at 30 Prospect Ave. Hackensack, NJ 07601--Hekemian Auditorium and Hekemian Conference Room 1 and will run from 9AM to 4PM. Breakfast and lunch are provided.
To register, email events(at)epilepsygroup(dot)com, go to http://epilepsygroup.com/news_patients_providers6-20-2-142/what-you-need-to-know-if-epilepsy-has-touched-your-life.htm or call 201-643-6676.
Dr. Marcelo Lancman, Director of Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group and board certified epileptologist, commented: This year we launched our second very ambitious educational program called What You Need to Know if Epilepsy Has Touched Your Life aimed to raise epilepsy and seizure awareness thoughout the tri-state area. In 2013 we are holding 9 epilepsy conferences, 12 webinars on epilepsy and seizures and recently published What You Need to Know if Epilepsy Has Touched Your Life: A Guide in Plain English as part of this initiative.
With almost 3 million people in the U.S. having some form of epilepsy, and one in ten adults likely to experience a seizure during their life, it is crucial that the public is well informed about epilepsy facts and first aid.
For an interview, please contact: Melissa Fleming at mfleming(at)epilepsygroup(dot)com or 212-661-7460, ext 123.
Launched in 1998, NEREG is a multi-site practice in New Jersey, New York and Connecticut that offers unique services and comprehensive care to children and adults with epilepsy. NEREG provides state-of-the-art diagnostic procedures, 24/7 patient service, highly skilled and experienced practitioners, and exceptional specialty programs designed to cover a broad range of health care needs in each epilepsy patient. NEREG consists of nine board-certified epilepsy specialists with fellowship training in adult and childhood epilepsy, as well as many other highly skilled health care providers including pediatric/adult neurosurgeons, neuropsychologists, epilepsy nurse practitioners, a specially trained nutritionist and epilepsy advocates.
Original post:
The Northeast Regional Epilepsy Group (NEREG) offers What You Need to Know if Epilepsy Has Touched Your Child’s Life ...