The US and Britain indicated chronic diseases cause of death in COVID-19. One of the Russians most at risk – Wire News Fax

Posted: Published on May 2nd, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

the United States and Britain indicated chronic diseases cause of death in COVID-19

Doctors based on the analysis of data on causes of death of hospitalized patients with positive tests COVID-19, find out what diseases most increase the risk of death in the coronavirus.

statistics of deaths, published in the United States, great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands and China showed that almost half who died had one or more chronic diseases. Most often, patients suffered from cardiovascular diseases (ischemic heart disease, hypertension), chronic lower respiratory disease (asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), suffered from diabetes and dementia.

According to the Department of health of the state of new York, the most dangerous concomitant diseases leading to death patients with COVID-19 are coronary heart disease (13.8 per cent), dementia and Alzheimers disease (13,6%), chronic lower respiratory diseases (12.7 percent), influenza and pneumonia (10.6 per cent), diabetes (4%).

The largest for today a study in Europe conducted by the experts of the International consortium on acute respiratory and emerging infectious diseases (ISARIC), also showed that in the UK most deaths are associated with chronic diseases of the patients, 53% were infected with at least one of them. The mortality rate among these patients was almost 40% higher. Only in the UK dies almost a third of all hospitalized with coronavirussom.

after Analyzing 16 749 cases of infections COVID-19 (from February 6 to April 18) patients admitted to hospitals included in the National health service UK (NHS), the doctors came to the conclusion that the most dangerous concomitant disease was dementia the probability of death while it was higher by 39%. Obesity increases the risk by 37%, and diseases of the cardiovascular system 31%. The risk of death for patients with coronavirus also increase diseases such as diabetes (19%), kidney (15%) and asthma (14%).

In Russia kills half of the patients on the ventilator with severe coronavirus infection

according to The Daily Mail, citing the report of physicians, the risk of complications for smokers 10% in severe cases the patients had dependence on tobacco. Thus, the ISARIC research also suggests that among smokers less than the number infected with the coronavirus.

as the patients with COVID-19 carry the disease, are also strongly influenced by their individual genetic characteristics. According to the report, kings College London, genetics determines the course of infection (symptoms) by about 50%. In particular, genetically deterministic symptoms were fever, diarrhea, delirium, loss of taste and smell.

Almost 41% of the probability of fever as a result of illness was caused by genetic predisposition, by 47% the risk of the loss of smell, and 49% of delirium and 50% of the totality of the symptoms. Other symptoms with a genetic component include: fatigue (32%), dyspnea (43%), and diarrhea (34%). Thus, features of DNA can explain why some people can easily tolerate coronavirus infection or no infected, writes MedDaily.

In Russia kills half of the patients on the ventilator with severe coronavirus infection

Half of Russians with severe coronavirus infection connected to the ventilator, dead. This was announced by head of the Department of pneumology sechenovskiy University, chief pulmonologist of Ministry of health Sergey Avdeev.

In the US where the worst figure was last week 88% die on the background of artificial lung ventilation. According to Russian sources, slightly more than 50%, quoted expert RIA Novosti.

Detailed mortality statistics from COVID-19 on Russia yet, although in the beginning of the epidemic, the authorities have announced related chronic disease deaths from coronavirus infection. One of them was called diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, etc.

learn what are the statistics on those who suffer from chronic diseases, can explain the data of Rosstat. In our country in 2018 from coronary heart disease died 453 000 people (25% of all deaths), from hypertension to 16 000 (0,9%), chronic lower respiratory disease 30 000 (1,6%), diabetes 40 000 (2,2%), from Alzheimers disease 2200 (0,1%), according to Forbes.

Given the average age of death, it is not surprising that they have had comorbidities, says senior researcher of the Institute of social analysis and forecasting Ranhigs Ramil Hasanov.

for Example, in 2018, in Russia 52% of the deceased aged 60 years and older died from diseases of the circulatory system, 16% are from cancer, 4% from diseases of the digestive system, 3% from respiratory diseases and external causes, and 0.3% from infectious and parasitic diseases.

the Remaining 21% died from other causes: diseases of the endocrine system, disorders of nutrition and metabolic disorders, nervous system and others.

The rest is here:
The US and Britain indicated chronic diseases cause of death in COVID-19. One of the Russians most at risk - Wire News Fax

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