
Posted: Published on November 2nd, 2014

This post was added by Dr Simmons

September 3, 2011 Filed under Uncategorized Tagged eczema cures, eczema treatment, eczema treatments, excema cure, excema cures, excema treatment, excema treatments, steroid, steroid for eczema, steroids, steroids for eczema, treat eczema, treating eczema, treatments for eczema

You have probably encountered people warning against steroids at eczema-related forums and eczema blogs. They say that steroids didnt work for them or that theyre no good for the skin. However, every treatment comes with a risk. Even natural eczema trecaratments have risks too. When used properly, steroids are safe to use with eczema. But if not used with precaution, prepare to deal with the risks that others have been warning about.

There are two types of steroids used to treat eczema. Theres topical applications like ointments and creams, and then there are injectable steroids. Topical steroids can be bought over the counter or can be prescribed by a doctor. Injectable steroids are always prescribed however.

The good thing about using steroids as excema curesis that they are pretty convenient options, especially over-the-counter (OTC) preparations. You dont need to see a doctor to get hold of them. You just need to visit the nearest drugstore and look for a steroid cream or ointment sold over the counter.

Steroids are also effective treatments for eczema.If they didnt work for you the first time you used them, it means you dont have eczema. Why? Because steroids are effective anti-inflammatory agents and can therefore counteract skin inflammation which eczema causes. If you dont see any improvement in your rashes, it means that they arent caused by skin inflammation and that you dont have eczema.

The only problem with using steroids as excema curesis that they come with risks. Topical applications have two risks: 1) they can thin out the skin and make you more prone to getting an outbreak, 2) you can develop tolerance against them. Injectable steroids have the risk of increasing your chances in getting an infection. This is because they weaken the immune system.

The risks of injectable steroids cant be avoided. They will weaken your immune system with use. Its advisable that you stay away from public places when on steroid injection therapy. You are also only allowed to take steroid injections twice a year.

As for topical applications, the only thing you need to do is use them properly to avoid their risks. If they were prescribed, follow through your doctors prescription. But if you bought them over the counter, you can do the following to stay safe from risks:

1) Apply the ointment or cream on affected areas 2-3 times a day. Continue doing this for 5-7 days.

2) If you see your rashes improve within that time, discontinue using the ointment or cream for 4-5 days then repeat step 1. Continue doing this cycle until all your rashes are gone.

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