Upstate students excel in some end-of-course exams

Posted: Published on October 1st, 2014

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Published: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 7:57 p.m. Last Modified: Tuesday, September 30, 2014 at 7:57 p.m.

Two Spartanburg County school districts scored above the state average in algebra, biology and history on end-of-course exams this past school year.

Spartanburg District 1 students scored above the state average in three subjects tested on the End-of-Course Examination Program, commonly known as the EOC. The exam tests students in algebra, biology, English and U.S. history, with scores counting for 20 percent of a student's grade for the class tested.

In Spartanburg District 1, 416 students were tested in algebra and scored 87.8 percent, 341 students were tested in biology and scored 85.6 percent, 395 students were tested in English and scored 81.8 percent and 337 students were tested in history and scored 76.1 percent, according to data released from the S.C. Department of Education.

Stephanie Mathis, coordinator of secondary curriculum for District 1, said the district community is very proud of the students' achievement and will continue to build the bridge between the classroom and beyond.

"Our teachers, students and other stakeholders have embraced the practice of targeted instruction of content and skills," she said. "Their laser focus is evident in these results."

Spartanburg District 5 students also scored above the state average in the same three subjects as District 1. District 5 students scored 86.2 percent in algebra, 85.5 percent in biology, 80.1 in English and 76.8 percent in history.

Overall, South Carolina students scored 82.1 percent in algebra, 81.8 percent in biology, 81.8 percent in English and 74.9 percent in history. The state scores increased by 0.5 points in biology and English, 1.5 points in algebra and 2.2 points in U.S. history. The percentage of students earning an A, a grade of 93 to 100 percent, also increased across all four subject areas.

"I am pleased to announce that South Carolina students achieved increased scores on end-of-course exams across all four subject areas tested," S.C. Superintendent of Education Mick Zais said in a statement. "Our students should be commended for their hard work, along with their parents and teachers who provided critical support."

Students in Spartanburg District 2 scored above the state average at 84.2 percent in algebra and 82.5 percent in biology. Students in Spartanburg District 3 and Union County complied an average score below the state average in all four subjects tested.

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Upstate students excel in some end-of-course exams

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