Vanderbilt University anti-inflammatory therapy licensed to Amytrx is now in clinical trials for eczema treatment – Vanderbilt University News

Posted: Published on October 30th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

A cell-penetrating, anti-inflammatory peptide developed byJacek Hawiger, Louise B. McGavock Chair and Distinguished Professor of Medicine, and licensed to biopharmaceutical companyAmytrx, has been approved by the FDA for testing as a potential therapeutic for mild to moderate eczema. The peptide, known as AMTX-100, has been in clinical trials since March.

The licensing agreement, facilitated by theCenter for Technology Transfer and Commercialization and the Office of the Vice Provost for Research, enables translation of the product of the Hawiger teamsdecades-long academic research from the lab to a clinical setting. The result is the near-term opportunity to improve the health and well-being of people with a wide range of inflammatory and metabolic diseases, including psoriasis, rosacea, acne, herpes type 1 and 2, and shingles.

The research led by Dr.Hawigerhas immense opportunity to address a variety of conditions connected to inflammation, said Vice Provost for Research Padma Raghavan.

AMTX-100 is a peptide, or chain of amino acids, designed to swiftly penetrate the membrane of inflamed cells that were injured by microbial, autoimmune, allergic, metabolic or physical insults. Once inside of cells, AMTX-100 prevents the cells nucleusa command center of inflammationfrom triggering an otherwise unfavorable inflammatory response. Without such intervention that targets nuclear transport checkpoint, cells produce a myriad of chemicals that mediate inflammation and keep affected organs on fire. This peptide has been developed by Hawigersteam to naturally alter the route through which our own proinflammatory proteins cause swelling, redness, fever, pain, and impaired function, without sacrificing the cells ability to grow and carry out its functions. Research has shown that this approach has significantly fewer side effects and safety concerns than many anti-inflammatory drugs addressing the same issue, creating a potentially significant market opportunity.

We are working to safely address a key mechanism of so many diseases and health conditions that make life more difficult than it should be, saidHawiger, also professor of molecular physiology and biophysics. I am very pleased to be at this phase of translational research that reaffirms our vision, shared byAmytrxco-founder and Director Thomas Andrews, to develop this groundbreaking therapeutic approach withAmytrx.

As a co-founder ofAmytrx,Hawigerwill be involved in further study and research on this transformative anti-inflammatory therapy by conducting preclinical studies in experimental models of human disease with high unmet need.

The progression of this work toAmytrxis in no small part thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization team, Raghavan said. They have been incredibly engaged inbringing game-changing innovation from Vanderbilt research labs to the real world.

Dr.Hawigersanti-inflammatory peptide platformis exceptionally promising, said Dr. MattGonda,AmytrxsCEO, president and co-founder. Meaningful researchwith human applicationslike this cannot be kept to academia.There is a need for a commercialization partner to bring it to fruitionin order toreach the public.Amytrxisthrilled to be working togetherto bringscience with such broad implications for unmet medical needs to the bedside, and our therapeuticsa step closer to patientuse.

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Vanderbilt University anti-inflammatory therapy licensed to Amytrx is now in clinical trials for eczema treatment - Vanderbilt University News

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