Venomous Spider Bite Healing Progression – Video

Posted: Published on December 18th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Venomous Spider Bite Healing Progression
**WARNING!!! These pictures are not the prettiest** You #39;re probably thinking "what????" who am I sub #39;d to? I know, not a normal video for me BUT this is something that I wanted to share... if anything for educational purposes and awareness. We noticed him licking his paws and pawing at his face late on Dec 2, 2012 (around 10:30pm). His nose went from being completely normal to what you see in "Day 1" in no time at all. We didn #39;t know what to think (coyote, spider, allergic reaction to who knows what, etc.) As soon as our vet #39;s office opened the next morning we called and got him in. It was at that time that she told us that it was a spider bite... either a Brown Recluse (based off of other pictures this one seems to be the culprit) or a Black Widow. She prescribed him an antibiotic and a steroid... it continued to only get worse on day 2. The swelling got increasingly worse and with it the skin stretched and became even thinner. All of the hair on the wound fell out. It began oozing both puss blood to the point where it was constantly dripping off of his chin. On day three we noticed that the worsening slowed. Day four was an interesting change as it begun to bubble a bit- almost looking like a chemical burn. After that point the scabbing begun to come off and it only began to get better. Today (day 16) new hair is sprouting, all of the swelling is gone and he is finishing up his prednisone (the steroid). We are SO THANKFUL that our fur-baby is okay... the first few ...From:CandidMommyViews:116 44ratingsTime:01:29More inPets Animals

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Venomous Spider Bite Healing Progression - Video

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