Visible Body Releases Human Anatomy Atlas 7 for iPad and iPhone

Posted: Published on March 7th, 2015

This post was added by Dr Simmons

(PRWEB) March 05, 2015

Visible Body, the developer of an award-winning suite of 3D anatomy software, today released Human Anatomy Atlas 7, a major update of its bestselling app for the iPad and iPhone.

Human Anatomy Atlas is the premier visual resource for healthcare professionals and students. The latest release offers an all-new user interface that provides quick access to the robust content in the app, access to specialty content on muscles and bones, and a vast collection of pathology animations.

Now available in English and French, Atlas 7 will also be translated into four additional languages in 2015.

We rebuilt the software for Atlas 7 so that our content is even more accessible. Plus its designed so we can make it available in multiple languages, and continue to expand even more in the future, said Visible Body CEO Andrew Bowditch. Our goal is to remain the premier human anatomy visual resource, include comprehensive reference content, and be accessible across languages and platforms.

Atlas 7, the most comprehensive 3D and mobile human body reference, now includes:

In addition to its debut for iPad and iPhone, Visible Body plans to release Atlas 7 for Android devices, and PC and Mac computers. Institutional site licenses will be available in the fall of 2015 through Visible Bodys partnership with Ovid Wolters Kluwer Health.

To learn more and to download our press kit, visit

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Visible Body Releases Human Anatomy Atlas 7 for iPad and iPhone

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