Vulin accused in tears over burns images

Posted: Published on July 25th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Natalie Dimitrovska, the woman accused of purposefully setting fire to Dana Vulin in jealous anger, today sobbed as graphic images of her alleged victims burns were shown in her trial.

Ms Dimitrovska is accused of threatening to "ruin" the 27-year-olds pretty face, breaking into her unit in February last year and dousing her with methylated spirits as Ms Vulin held a lit flame lamp and demanded her to leave.

Ms Vulin, who has rejected suggestions she had been wielding the flame and a can of pepper spray at her alleged attacker, has testified about the excruciating pain of her multiple injuries and the fact she has to wear a compression suit for two years.

Today, the jury heard evidence from a surgeon about the extent of her injuries and how they had been so severe that she would have died without treatment.

Dr Linda Monshizadeh, who specialises in plastic and reconstructive surgery, said Ms Vulin had been admitted to hospital with deep partial and also full thickness burns to 60 per cent of her body.

Photos of Ms Vulins burns to her torso and arms were shown to the District Court jury, including an image of her lying on her back with airway tubes.

Ms Vulin, who wears a compression suit for her injuries, has been watching as evidence is presented and was in court as the images were shown.

Ms Dimitrovska cried in the dock and turned away from the images.

Dr Monshizadeh said swelling in Ms Vulins airways had to be treated immediately to ensure she lived, and the burns had wrapped around her arms, meaning that the dead tissue had to be removed to allow blood supply to her fingers.

The jury was told that such severe burns, which penetrated through the entire skin and killed it, were dangerous because the body could be overwhelmed by the toxins and potentially become infected.

Read this article:
Vulin accused in tears over burns images

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