Walking is the gift of health that keeps on giving – Coastal Point

Posted: Published on September 4th, 2020

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

I often hear from many of you about your frustrations with problems and challenges that seem very limiting. You want to be more active and you want to be healthier, but so many times what youre telling me is you dont see any options. When I explain what a potential option is, the reaction is often surprise. The issue is that many people think that getting fit is complicated. They think they have to be running or jogging, going to a gym to use exercise equipment or trying some complicated combination of exercises and equipment.

Folks, its not that complicated. A very simple exercise has amazing benefits: Walking. Its free, its easy, and for many of you, its your ticket to all kinds of advantages that you might not even realize. It really is that simple. If you are consistent, you will realize many benefits. Thats why were going to take a look at what you or someone you care about might gain from walking.

If you can get started and work up to walking 30 minutes every day, the payoff is huge. And as you look at some of the potential health benefits with me, heres something I want you to keep in mind. Many health professionals equate the ill effects from long period of sitting with the ill effects of smoking. So, what could you possibly gain? Its possible you could gain plenty.

Walking can help reduce your weight. Even people who are significantly overweight or obese will often see weight loss from this simple exercise. In fact, if you can work up to a 45- minute regular brisk walk, it will help you burn stubborn belly fat. As we get older, belly fat is a serious challenge for many people. But, people, you can keep it simple. A brisk walk triggers the body to burn stored fat.

Weight is seen as a contributing factor in many people who develop Type 2 diabetes. You should know by now that a healthy diet helps in the prevention of diabetes and a number of troubling diseases, but you might not know that if you add walking to a healthy diet, there can be some bigtime results.

A study done on a few thousand overweight folks by the New England Journal of Medicine found that the combination of a healthy diet along with walking 2.5 hours per week cut the risk of developing diabetes by 58 percent. And for those of us over the age of 60, the benefit was even greater. The reduction in the risk of developing diabetes was 71 percent.

If you have problems with arthritis, or if you want to boost the strength in your joints, bones and muscles, walking will likely help. Walking is a natural lube-job for your muscles, and it helps strengthen muscles that support your joints, so your joints benefit, too.

No surprise, Im sure, that the muscles in your legs will strengthen from walking, but heres some study results that should make you think: A study was done on people who had knee arthritis. After eight weeks, the study participants had cranked up their joint function by nearly 40 percent, and they increased the distance they could walk by 18 percent. On top of that and this is big they had decreased the pain they experienced and needed less medication. In fact, these findings also lend some understanding to why other studies have found walking can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Did you know that walking can help reduce your blood pressure? It reduces the stiffness of blood vessels, which allows your blood to flow more easily. Studies have shown that walking 30 minutes per day, five times a week, has a positive impact on blood pressure. It reduces the numbers by as much as 10 points. Thats pretty darn good.

How about walking as an aide to prevent heart disease? Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the U.S., so this is important. With so many studies out there, Harvards Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center analyzed a group of those studies on the effect of walking on heart disease. Based on their analysis, they stated that the risk for heart disease goes down as the amount of walking goes up.

A Harvard study found that women who walked at a moderate pace for 30 minutes a day decreased their risk of heart disease by 40 percent. And while were looking at heart health, a study from the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that walking helps arteries and vessels in a bunch of ways. A big plus is that walking helps to stop build-up that clogs those blood pathways.

When we talk about diseases, certainly cancer is one we all are concerned about. The good news is walking can help reduce the risk associated with some cancers. A Harvard University study found that women who walked just 1 to 3 hours per week reduced their risk of dying from breast cancer and uterine cancer by 19 percent.

Other studies have found walking reduces the risk of colon cancer for men and women and men experienced a reduced risk of prostate cancer. For men who have already been diagnosed with prostate cancer, a study found that walking briskly for 3 or more hours per week reduced the risk of seeing the disease progress by 57 percent.

Alzheimers disease is a concern for many of us as we get older. So, think about this: A study from Rush University Medical Center has found that regular walking has a big impact on the health of your brain. The study showed it reduced mental decline and atrophying of the brain. The bottom line? It showed a 50 percent cut in the risk of developing Alzheimers disease. Other studies have found mental health benefits from walking because it can positively impact feelings of anxiety and depression.

Before you start walking, see your doctor. You know how I feel about this, and theres an important reason why: You should never start a new exercise program without getting the go-ahead from your doctor, because your doctor has your medical history and knows how to evaluate that history against your plan.

As I so often remind you, go to your appointment ready to discuss your current medications and any other supplements or products you are taking, such as vitamins. Make sure you tell your doctor if you have had any recent changes in your health and have a straightforward discussion about what you want to do.

If youre recovering from an injury or other challenges, have problems with pain or just havent been active for a while, your doctor may refer you for physical therapy. For a number of situations, physical therapy can many times help you move toward your goals with a customized treatment program to address your specific issues and help you build the stamina you need to work up to walking 30 minutes a day. Your physical therapist can also devise a phased program to help you get under way with the professional guidance to give you the best possible outcomes.

Im back on the soapbox here, for one last reminder: I want you to live your best life. I see possibilities for better days and smiles when youre feeling better. Invest the time. Youre worth it and Im going to be right here to encourage you and push you because quality of life is everything.

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Walking is the gift of health that keeps on giving - Coastal Point

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