Warwick mum’s fundraising ball to help fund 50000 treatment to fight the progression of MS – Warwick Courier

Posted: Published on October 4th, 2019

This post was added by Alex Diaz-Granados

A Warwick mum is holding a fundraising ball to help raise 50,000 to help her fight the progression of her Multiple Sclerosis.

Catherine Cook, who has three young children, was diagnosed with MS in 2000 when she was in her early 30s.

She has been trying to raise 50,000 so that she can have a course of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), which could reverse the effects of her condition.

Read more: Warwick mum's 50,000 fundraising drive to help her fight the progression of MSI am trying to change mine and my familys lives",said Catherine. "MS is causing me lots of problems, including pain and exhaustion on a daily basis meaning that I cant join in with a lot of family activities.

I have to plan everything in advance to ensure I get enough rest. I want to get my life back so I can be the mum my children need me to be."

Catherine has been holding various fundraising event throughout the year to help raise the money for the treatment. The fundraising ball, which is taking place next weekend in Warwick, is also raising money for her treatment.

Explaining the treatment Catherine said: HSCT is the only known medical treatment that has halted the progression of MS for the majority of patients who have gone through it. Its a chemotherapy-based treatment which removes your immune system and reboots it using your own harvested stem cells.

Its not available as a standard treatment on the NHS; either you have to be part of a medical study or be one of the most extreme people suffering from MS.

Its offered at in Pueblo, Mexico and Im asking for help to fund my treatment and after care. It isnt risk-free and its a harsh treatment to endure. But almost 700 people have been treated in Mexico including BBC News correspondent Caroline Wyatt.

"I have been accepted for treatment on May 4 2020, so the clock it ticking for me to raise the 50,000 needed. I am currently almost half way there after starting fundraising in February this year, but I know I need to keep going as so much is at stake, not least our three young children who need me to be more active with them and participate in activities with them, instead of in bed."

The ball takes place in the Court House in Warwick on October 12 from 7pm to 11.30pm and will feature food, a raffle, auction and music. Tickets cost 38.

The raffle is open to anyone and features prizes such as meals, wine and vouchers. Raffle tickets cost 5 a strip or three strips for 10.

To donate, buy raffle tickets or tickets for the fundraising ball click here or go to: https://www.rebootcathwithhsct.com/

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Warwick mum's fundraising ball to help fund 50000 treatment to fight the progression of MS - Warwick Courier

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