Wheelchair Breakdowns Becoming More Common

Posted: Published on May 3rd, 2012

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Medicare Reimbursement Chances May Contribute to Increased Rates of Breakdowns and Consequences

Newswise Philadelphia, Pa. (April 27, 2012) Wheelchair-dependent patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) are reporting higher rates of wheelchair breakdowns requiring repairs, according to a study in American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (AJPM&R), the official journal of the Association of Academic Physiatrists, AJPM&R is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health.

"It is possible that this increase in the number of repairs is the result of a decreased in wheelchair quality resulting from changes in reimbursement policies and a lack of enforcement of standards testing," write the researchers, led by Dr Michael Boninger of the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. The data also show a significant increase in wheelchair breakdowns that cause health and safety consequences, such as leaving users stranded.

For SCI Patients, Wheelchair Breakdowns Becoming More Frequent Dr Boninger and colleagues analyzed data from an ongoing survey study of more than 700 wheelchair-dependent SCI patients, all of whom used their wheelchairs at least 40 hours per week. The patients provided routine data on wheelchair breakdowns requiring repairs, along with any consequences of breakdownsfor example, being stranded, missing a medical appointment, or being injured.

The data suggested that the rate of wheelchair breakdowns has increased in recent years. From 2006 to 2011, about 53 percent of wheelchair users reported one or more breakdowns requiring repair per six-month perioda significant increase over the 45 percent rate from 2004 to 2006. The average number of repairs per person also increased: 1.42 in 2006-11, compared to 1.03 in 2004-06.

The rate of adverse consequences of breakdowns increased as well: 30.5 percent in 2006-11, compared to 22 percent in 2004-06. The total number of consequences per participant in 2006-11 was more than twice as high as in 2004-06.

Power wheelchairs had more problems than manual wheelchairsnearly two-thirds of all consequences were reported by power wheelchair users. These rates were especially high in wheelchairs equipped with power seat functions.

Differences by Race/Ethnicity and Funding Source Rates of breakdowns and repairs appeared higher for racial/ethnic minority patients, compared to white patients. Minority users were also less likely to have a backup wheelchair available.

Patients whose wheelchairs were funded by Medicare or Medicaid had higher rates of breakdowns and consequences, compared to those covered by private insurance or other sources (such as the Veterans Administration or workers compensation).

More than 2.8 million Americans use a wheelchair for mobility, allowing greater independence in daily functioning, home life, and vocational settings. Wheelchair users are at risk when breakdowns occur, with consequences ranging from minor inconveniences to decreased safety.

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Wheelchair Breakdowns Becoming More Common

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