Wild n Crazy Vegan Barefoot Runner Guy. Sh*t Randy says… – Video

Posted: Published on December 6th, 2012

This post was added by Dr P. Richardson

Wild n Crazy Vegan Barefoot Runner Guy. Sh*t Randy says...
* For "Barefoot" ultra marathons I generally wear 4MM huaraches from Xero Shoes. Most people think, "impossible", while true purist barefooters say "that #39;s not really BAREfoot. To learn about the most minimal foot protection available, shop from my afficiliate link please: http://www.InvisibleShoe.com LSD = long slow distance "running", man. ...see the great references below relative to vegan nutrition, etc: 2011 Doc. "Forks Over Knives" http://www.youtube.com Brilliant, from 1993...this guy is still RUNNING: http://www.youtube.com Dr John McDougall, The Starch Solution: http://www.youtube.com and, The Gladiators were VEGAN: http://www.youtube.com and "solving the health care crisis: http://www.youtube.com and John #39;s web site with tons of great, free info: http://www.drmcdougall.com "Healthy at 100", by John Robbins. Brilliant must read: http://www.youtube.com Dr Esselstyn: http://www.youtube.com Dr Greger: http://www.youtube.com Kris Carr #39;s documentarty about putting her rare form of cancer into remission: http://www.youtube.com Rich Roll, Finding Ultra, amazing ultra athlete, all plant powered: http://www.youtube.com Scott Jurek, Top Ultra Runner, all plant powered, new book, Eat and Run: http://www.youtube.com Dr Campbell, The China Study, must read book imo: thechinastudy.com Dr Ruth Heidrich, world famous self healed from stage 4 cancer via plant based diet, positive attitude, and IRONMAN training. 30 years of "spontaneous remmission" thanks to John McDougall. http://www.youtube.com and see Ruth #39;s web site, buy her books! http://www.ruthheidrich.com Aloha Ruth!! Great ...From:Randy KreillViews:16 0ratingsTime:12:09More inComedy

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Wild n Crazy Vegan Barefoot Runner Guy. Sh*t Randy says... - Video

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