– MS Treatments – Natural Multiple Sclerosis …

Posted: Published on November 6th, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Dear Fellow MS Sufferer,

Just summoning up the energy to read and focus on this letter can be a huge challenge to anyone with MS: the fatigue, the memory issues and coordination troubles can make it seem like fighting through a fog. But I want you to please bear with me, because the information in this letter is crucial to your health.

I want to give you all the information you need to come to a full understanding of just why you are having these problems, and what can be done about them.

Like you, I know what it is like to be given a diagnosis like multiple sclerosis. My journey with MS started back in 2006 when I developed Lhermittes sign painful, lightning-like sensations down the back, caused by the flexing of the neck.

At the time I didnt think much of it, I saw my osteopath and she treated it and the symptoms eventually went away. But as time went on I suffered bone aching fatigue, loss of memory, depression coupled with anxiety and eventually, after a migraine that lasted four days, I lost the vision out of my right eye.

I was told by everyone that it was nothing serious just a lingering after-effect from the migraine. But I am a naturopath and I had been treating an increased number of clients with Multiple Sclerosis, and I was beginning to think that maybe I too had this disease

I had to insist on an MRI (the doctors thought it was unnecessary but did perform the procedure once I asked) and eventually the diagnosis was finally made. The news couldnt have arrived in a worse way a specialist informed me over the phone, at 8am one Friday morning while I was plaiting my horse up for a competition.

For one horrible moment, it felt like my life was crashing down around me. I was all alone, with no support and with way more questions than answers.

Why me? Why my body and why now?

See the original post here: - MS Treatments - Natural Multiple Sclerosis ...

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