YouTube game reviewer with cerebral palsy gifted $63k for new wheelchair – Newshub

Posted: Published on June 16th, 2017

This post was added by Dr Simmons

However, one of his subscribers spotted the video and immediately posted his story on Reddit, where the online community banded together to blow his request for help out of the water.

His GoFundMe page has been set alight with donations, reaching US$46,153 ($63,000) in a matter of days after his video was posted on Reddit.

As well as the huge financial outpouring, other Redditors offered their help in getting him the repairs he required on his transport van, and set about buying him a new wheelchair.

Others who owned businesses offered him freebies, with multiple offers coming in of complementary food and services.

Mr Breitenbach's sister Desiree Johnson-Herzner said the family was "blown away" and "overjoyed" by the response to her brother's pleas.

"Never did I ever in my wildest dreams think my friends, family and complete strangers would come together and help my brother. We are so grateful for each and every one of you," she said.

"You have touched our lives and help my brother get a safe reliable vehicle and your generosity continues still, even though we've reached our goal and we are way beyond what we thought we would get.

"Thank all of you for restoring my faith in humanity and helping out someone who truly needed it."


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YouTube game reviewer with cerebral palsy gifted $63k for new wheelchair - Newshub

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