Zumba Fundraiser to Raise Autism Awareness

Posted: Published on October 31st, 2013

This post was added by Dr Simmons

Written by Amanda Castro on Wednesday, October 30, 2013 11:45 AM. Posted in Local

MACON, Georgia (41NBC/WMGT) - Chances are you are affected by autism in some way, whether it is you, your child, or you know someone who with autism. It can be a difficult disorder, both for the child and family. One Middle Georgia mother's experience with autism inspired her to help other families by teaching Zumba.

Zumba is Traci William's passion. She says it is a way to escape what can be a frustrating life.

"I have so many moments when i feel like I just can't cope, but I love my son, he is my son," Williams said.

Williams and her son Ryan started their autism journey two years ago. He was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome when he was 10 years old.

"Once he got into 5th grade, one of his teachers said for me to get him tested for autism or Asperger's," Williams said.

Now with an answer to her son's behavioral problems, Ryan was on back on the right track. Still, Williams felt alone.

"Probably about a year went by that I always felt like I was in a black hole, all by myself, trying to figure this thing out," she said. "It wasn't until after that year that I came upon Central Georgia Autism."

Central Georgia Autism is a support system that helps families connect and meet other people living with the disorder.

"It gets hard a lot of the times, but one of the main things is don't feel like you're a bad parent," Williams said.

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Zumba Fundraiser to Raise Autism Awareness

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